How do I apply online for a passport?

How do I apply online for a passport?

How do I apply online for a passport

 It’s very simple. Go to

Make your record here, client name and secret key. At that point fill every one of the subtleties cautiously and transfer filter duplicates of your individual docements like birth testament/tenth declaration, aadhar card/Pan card and so forth. Pay charge on the web. Expense wil associate with rs 1500/ - for nomral case and rs 2000/ - for tatkaal. Subsequent to paying the equivalent, take your meeting with your individual international ID seva kendra. When your arrangement will affirm, One receipt will be created in which date and time wiil be referenced. 

On given date and time, you need to go to international ID office then handover your archives, particularly your tenth cetificate, they will check it and hand over your report to you and will give you one receipt in which one number will be referenced. A similar number will be show on electronic screen, that implies you are presently prepared to go to counter 1. present your doceuemnts there and prepared for photograph. After that go to counter no. 2 they additionally check your docuements at that point go to counter no. 3. that is it. Keep all receipts for future reference

You can pick sms benefit additionally to get the most recent data about your international ID process. 

Presently prepared for neighborhood police confirmation, particular assessor will call you to settle appoinment with your. He/she will visit your home and confirm your records and receipt and you need to call two individuals for observer. they will sign on one frame and inspecter will forward your shape to neighborhood police headquarters. Neighborhood police headquarters will forward your applicaion to international ID office after verifry your charcter and your identification printing procedure will be begin. With in 15 days or so your postmen will convey your visa on your given location however now and again you may have present to gather it generally individual who will gather your international ID on your behlf, ought to have legitimate id card. Demonstrate your vaild id card and he will handover your identification.

 Note : please convey your unique and additionally photograph duplicates of the considerable number of archives.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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